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Earnings Call jordans for sale records The animal The
baldwin Technology q4, year end business call. (Manual)I would now like To Turn
The video call over To helen osTer, corporaTe admin.I'm sue osTer, corporaTe
secreTary and direcTor of invesTor relaTions for baldwin TreaTmenTs company.Also
wiTh me aT nighT Today on This call areKarl peuhringer, presidenT and ceo;And
john The nike air jordan, vp and chief financial officer of The
company.ParTicipaTing by Tele-Conference is gerry naThe our chairman.I'd like To
remind paTienTs ThaT This call is being recorded.An audio replay of The call
will be availed To one week.Phoning numbers are provided in The earnings release
and on our websiTe.EliminaTe we begin, i will read our cauTionary file.During
This inTroducTion, disTribuTors from The company may make sTaTemenTs or presenT
informaTion regarding expecTed fuTure order in sales raTes, operaTing margins
and earning or oTher iTems which may consTiTuTe forward looking informaTion as
ThaT Term is defined in The privaTe securiTies liTigaTion reform acT of 1995, or
by The invesTmenTs and exchange commission in iTs rules, legal guidelines and
releases.LisTeners are cauTioned ThaT any such forward looking sTaTemenTs are
noT guaranTees of fuTure moTion and we urge you To read iTem 1 a, risk
circumsTances, in you're able To send reporT on form 10 k for The year ended
june 30, 2007, for some of The facTors ThaT could cause acTual resulTs To differ
maTerially from esTimaTes conTained in any of you're able To send forward
looking sTaTemenTs made during This presenTaTion.Having read ThaT leT me now
inTroduce our presidenT and ceo,Karl peuhringer for commenTs regarding baldwin's
execuTion.Karl.Thank you helen and good morning To every body, and welcome To
our fourTh quarTer and year end earnings business call.During The fourTh quarTer
The parTicular business reporTed ToTal neT sales of us $65.3 million comprising
an increase of $8.4 million and / or maybe 14.8% when compared To same period in
prior year.This represenTs one of The sTrongesT shipmenT quarTer in The
business's hisTory.Giving The currenT sTaTus of The global economy and based on
recenT press releases from oTher programs in The prinTing indusTries, baldwin's
resulTs mighT come as a surprise.I will commenT laTer during my remarks on key
drivers for This improved running.As consequence of our sTrong shipmenT levels
in q4, organizaTion also recorded sTrong operaTing income during The
quarTer.DefiniTely, business made significanT progress during The second half of
iTs fiscal year 2008, in managing The cash flow from operaTing acTiviTies
Through acTive capiTal managemenTs.John jordan will review wiTh you The
highlighTs of our financial effecTiveness afTer my remarks.The high fourTh
quarTer shipmenTs reduced our order backlog To $48 million in The boTTom of june
2008.STrong order in Take The parTicular monTh of july, such as booking of a
$2.6 million rag order from Nikkan SporTs journal PrinTing Company, A addiTional
of Asahi Newspaper Group in Japan increased our order backlog To $54 million aT
The end of July 2008.In facT our order in Take during The monTh of july This
year was almosT 30% above The order raTe in july, one lasT year.As i sTaTed
previously, baldwin performed sTronger in The pasT several monThs Than one mighT
expecTs based on The currenT economic condiTions.Several campaigns and dynamics
conTribuTed To This developmenT;FirsTly for baldwin one can find Two favorable
Trends in The newspaper indusTry. (A compleTe)Due To your compeTiTors for
adverTising dollars from alTernaTive media, such as The web.Newspaper publishers
are aggressively TargeTing To lessen Their producTion cosT and improve The color
and qualiTy of Their prinT adverTising.They do ThaT by eiTher ouTsourcing ouTpuT
To a Third parTy or by inTernal pooling of producTion volumes.BoTh cases drives
The demand for new prinTing cenTers including invesTmenTs in new prinTing
equipmenT and modern process auTomaTion equipmenT(T)To improve plant use,
newspaper printing plants are also increasing their manufacture of semi
commercial product such as colorful newspaper insert.That again creates
additional demand for baldwin equipment as we offer beautifully systems for
those newly emerging production processes.Those dynamics combined with our close
partnerships with oem press manufacturer and our diligent focus to identify,
track and properly close on project in these segments, enables us to inflate our
position in the newspaper segment.May also, the company benefits from an
improving demand for services for it's consumables and parts, driven by growing
installed base and trends in prints towards shorter runs and more colors as a
result of the others with alternative expediting media to print, that i've just
discussing.We are constantly engaged in further continuing growth of our
consumable product offering to insure the best value to our customers on
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23 a global basis.Third, the business's unmatched global present in
all major markets for print, particularly in our growing presence in emerging
countries enables us to take full advantage of dynamics in emerging
regions.Printers and bloggers in those fast growing areas, now also tend to
invest more into mechanization of the printing process.We expect those dynamics
to continue and to generate further jobs for our products offering.Our
purposefully important presence in japan for 40 years, our initiatives in china
and our operations in india provide us with a strong plus point to profit by
opportunities appearing in asia.On top of that, as a result of increasing
awareness of the effects of printing on the environment and the desire to make
the process more ecological, we are also encountering growing demand for our
filtration technology.Those investments upgrade not only help the cleaning of
print, but they also provide short payback periods often times less than a
year.Will also, baldwin's cleaning consumables are suitable for the new
environmental requirements.As a result the demand for our pre impregnated
washcloths that contain solvents with very low levels of volatile organic
compounds(Voc)Content keeps growing.And lastly, the side of the bargain of each
baldwin employee has been a differentiator for this year's performance.Baldwin's
in order to win, so to speak is to rise from outstanding products and in order
to effort and commitment of our dedicated employees.Under the guidance of the
baldwin management team, a dedicated and experienced group of managers has
worked together quite well this past year.Baldwin further improved its
competitiveness in the market.Very active account management to serve all major
oem press creaters, the building in successful market introduction of new and
improved products during this past year.Active management of resources to
address changing demand in the markets combined with an upgrading of our
marketing material and tools all contributed to the success in the past year.We
assigned customer special connection specialist to insure that we understand
each customer's strategies and products needs, and which evolves the business to
make certain their needs are satisfied.I'm indeed very grate for the energy from
our global team.Let me now feed you some feedback from drupa 2008.Produced by
may 29, by just june 11, dusseldorf was host of the worlds leading display for
the print media industry.The feedback from press manufactures round the show was
very positive.They reported strong demand throughout the two weeks at drupa
2008.New diners from emerging countries such as china, eastern europe and latin
america especially distributed to that success.Drupa 2008 provided us with a
great platform to show our range of innovative process automation methods.As
claimed of during our last call, we also celebrated baldwin's 90th birthday
during the show.The traffic at our booth usually in the 14 days, both from oem
press manufacturers as well as from printers and publishers was breathtaking.Our
booth was rationally very well positioned and our open stand concept attracted
many visitors.During the show we also introduced our new cleaning platform for
newspaper plans, impact fusion f and give protection to 2, setting new
expectations in blanket cleaning for newspaper print.The merchandise have been
designed for straight newspaper or semi commercial print applications where gas
dryers or uv curing systems are installed.Ultimately, i'm to report you on our
progress to be expanded baldwin's presence in china.We successfully started
producing our first product in shanghai this past year and we are now
implementing the transfer of sourcing and manufacturing of a second product line
to china.As previously mentioned before, china and its surrounding asian market
is a very promising print market and it will play tremendously important role in
our activities in the future.This concludes my remark and i will now ask john
jordan to review you can actually financial performance.Bill. AsKarl menTioned
we are happy wiTh The fourTh quarTer and The resulTs for The year.As you read in
the pr release net sales for the fourth quarter was $65.3 million in contrast to
$56.9 million for similar quarter in 2007, An elevated of $8.4 million
npotentially 14.8%.Favorable currency effects provided 10.9% demand or $6.2
million.Sales typically year of $236.3 million experienced $34.9 million also
17. 3% more Than fiscal 2007, Which8% or $16.1 million was as a result of
currency effects and $16.1 million was as a result of acquisitions.We recorded
growth in nearly all products, with healthy growth from continual revenues
product, program and consumables.Growth border of 32.2% in the quarter was
slightly below what the 32.4% known in fourth quarter 2007, But upgraded our
total year 2008 gross margin to 31.6%.The foreign exchange adjusted margin was
31.8% a loT noT as much as lasT years fourTh quarTer margin, BuT made beTTer
from The currency adjusTed 30.8% in Third quarTer This process year.Our
strategic sourcing initiatives and upgrades in production efficiencies help us
maintain reasonable margins in a challenging market environment, and our
existing global commercial structure facilitates this important sourcing
flexibility.Operating expenses for the on-Going quarter of $17.3 million
becoming $1.8 million upwards of the same quarter last year, $1.4 million of
which was because of currency effects.
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